“But equal treatment in an unequal society still fosters inequality. Because black men are disproportionately incarcerated and black women are more frequently evicted. So uniformly denying housing to applicants with recent criminal or eviction records still has an inequitable impact on african americans.”

Brainstorm by the Bay Series

Brainstorm By the Bay is a series of quarterly Saturday lunches featuring thought-provoking Keynote speakers, robust panel discussions followed by lively working groups at inspiring bayside venues. UPLIFT and BAPACSD are fostering inclusive communities, lifting all people to their highest potential, as well as creating resilient cultures and strong economies.
Moving forward, we must be willing to right the wrongs of the past, remedy present injustice, and prevent harm in the future. These events are action-based community dialogues seeking real-time solutions to racial disparity in key areas of San Diego life.
Each event focuses on racial disparity in one of 4 areas of concern for San Diego:
Black Education Summit - Sat, May 18, 2024, Coasterra Harbor Island
Black Healthcare Summit - July 2024 TBD
Black Economic Summit - Sept 2024 TBD
Black Homelessness Summit - Nov 2024 TBD
Please join us as we seek real answers to fill gaps in equity with love in action. We need your brain & heart at the table!
The Virtual Quality of Life Resource Center (Resource Center) is a critical resource to support keeping families and individuals housed, or finding them housing in order to stabilize the individual, the family unit, and the community at large during critical disruptive life events. The growing and disproportionate number of Black San Diegans falling into homelessness is an issue of equity and social justice in the Black community and in San Diego County as well as the state. BAPACSD believes that by addressing critical key areas through our Resource Center we will make meaningful and measurable impacts in the lives of those we serve and promote a more just and equitable society for all.
The BAPACSD Resource Center will develop robust lasting systems with significant resources, including trained staff, partners, technology and customized programs that we can scale to address the growing needs of our homeless community. However, we have already begun to incorporate the general strategies at an incubator scale over the past year. Our experience has proved the concept that we can now successfully implement with the support of community partners like you.